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Cooking with my soul: Craciunul editia a doua - Ghirardelli chocolate chips cookies

Cooking with my soul

5 ian. 2011

Craciunul editia a doua - Ghirardelli chocolate chips cookies

Scroll down for English recipe

Pentru mine Craciunul a fost (si) azi! Pentru asta trebuie sa-i  multumesc lui Heath care si-a amintit una din marile mele dorinte, care nu credeam ca se va implini ever! Mi-a adus GHIRARDELLI CHOCOLATE CHIPS!!!!!

Si cu ei am facut asta:

Nici nu va puteti imagina cate am citit eu despre aceste bucatele de minune ciocolatoasa. Ba chiar am si gustat biscuiti cu asa ceva. Dar nu aveam de unde sa cumpar, pentru ca se gasesc doar in USA (din ce am cercetat eu).

Si, cum nu putem sa mai astept, am si pus de niste cookies. Simple si rapide. Pe care le voi imparti (bineinteles) cu Heath. Enjoy.

  • 200 g unt moale, taiat cubulete
  • 120 g zahar brun
  • 100 g zahar tos
  • 2 oua
  • 1 lingurita (o fiola) esenta de lamaie
  • 3/4 lingura de cacao
  • 250 g faina
  • 3/4 lingurita praf de copt
  • 150 g fulgi de ciocolata

Cum se face:
  • Amesteca bine untul cu zaharul (cu mixerul)
  • Adauga ouale, pe rand, amestecand dupa fiecare.
  • Adauga esenta si cacao. Amesteca.
  • Adauga faina amestecata cu praful de copt. Amesteca.
  • Cu o lingura incorporeaza fulgii de ciocolata.
  • Pune la frigider 30 minute
  • In timpul asta incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C
  • Intinde in tava hartie de copt si, cu o lingurita, pune bilute de coca, la distanta de 3-4 cm (biscuitii se vor lasa)

  • Coace 8- 10 minute. Raceste biscuitii pe un gratar.
  • Si acum mananca-i cu un pahar de lapte. 

English version
For me, Christmas has been today too! For this I must thank Heath who reminded one of my greatest desires, which I did not think it will ever come true! He brought GHIRARDELLI CHOCOLATE CHIPS !!!!! No you can not imagine how many I've read about these great pieces of chocolate. I  even tasted cookies with them. But I had no where to buy, because they are found only in the U.S. (from what I've researched myself). And, as I could not wait, I immediately baked some cookies. Simple and fast. Which I will share (of course) with Heath. Enjoy.


* 200 g soft butter, cut into cubes
* 120 g brown sugar
* 100 g granulated sugar
* 2 eggs
* 1 teaspoon lemon essence
* 3 / 4 tablespoon cocoa
* 250 g flour
* 3 / 4 teaspoon baking powder
* 150 g chocolate chips

How To:

* Mix well the butter and sugar (mixer)
* Add eggs, one at a time, stirring after each.
* Add essence and cocoa. Mix.
* Add flour mixed with baking powder. Mix.
* With a spoon incorporates chocolate chips.
* Put in refrigerator 30 minutes
* During this heat the oven to 180 C
* Put in pan  parchment paper and with a teaspoon, place balls of dough, spaced 3-4 cm (they will grow bigger)
* Bake 8 to 10 minutes. Cool cookies on rack.
* And now eat them with a glass of milk.

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